Policy Planning
Perim has assisted several regional governments create and implement high-impact initiatives in the area of global warming, trade development, conservation, healthcare, education, counter-piracy, renewable energy and innovation.
Perim has assisted several regional governments create and implement high-impact initiatives in the area of global warming, trade development, conservation, healthcare, education, counter-piracy, renewable energy and innovation.
Perim associates have served as advisors and testifying experts on numerous high-profile cases involving rule of law, commercial contracts, fraud, customary law, Islamic finance and environmental damages. Additionally, we maintain an extensive database of qualified specialists in regionally-relevant fields.
Perim was the organizer of the 2015 Ministerial East Africa Environmental Risk & Opportunity Summit in Djibouti. The event was held under the patronage of the President of Djibouti, in partnership with Yale University, and was attended by more than 30 regional ministers of health, energy and environment.
Perim has worked with a Gulf government enterprise to draft a business case and communication strategy for a proposed regional trade promotion initiative.
Perim has organized several projects aimed at rebuilding Benghazi’s emergency medical and diabetes treatment capacity in the wake of the Libyan Revolution. Partners have included the University of California, Harvard University, and EyePACS.
Perim Associates is the creator of AR3 magazine, law & economics, sustainability, renewable energy, post-conflict reconstruction and security.
Dr. Ethan Chorin is CEO of Perim Associates, and an expert in the politics and economics of North Africa and the Gulf States. He has managed major research and development efforts in the UAE, Libya, Algeria, and the Horn of Africa. Chorin served as a U.S. diplomat in the UAE and Libya, and was subsequently head of Corporate Social Responsibility and a government relations executive for Dubai Ports World. He is the author of two books, Exit the Colonel, and Translating Libya.
Visit Ethan's personal website HERE